Kolica za bubanj za bubanj su visokoučinkoviti kamioni za bubanj pogodni za kemijsku industriju. Trenutno, može se reći da je najsvestraniji bubanj kamion, uglavnom se koristi za mobilne nošenje, podizanje, prijevoz, rotirati, naginjati i odvoditi potpuno napunjene bubnjeve.
Ova oprema za rukovanje bubnjem s bravom s dvostrukim vrhom prsta ne samo da može osigurati bubanj koji se podiže, nego također može zaključati bubnjeve okomito kako bi se spriječilo izlijevanje i vodoravno ispuštanje tereta preko slavine. Kada je otključan, bubanj može biti okrenut prema kraju kako bi se sadržaj miješao ili prevrnuo i ručno držao pod bilo kojim kutom. Osim toga, isporučuje se djelomično rastavljen kako bi se uštedjeli troškovi prijevoza.
Vrste bubanj kamiona:
Kao vodeći proizvođač bubanj kamiona, mi proizvodimo i prodajemo razne vrste bubanj kamiona, kao što su hidraulični bubanj kamion, ergonomski bubanj rukovatelj, bubanj slagač, bubanj dolly, niski profil bubanj caddy, bubanj podizač, bubanj tilter, itd.
Tehnički parametri kolica za nagibanje bubnja:
Model | ART279 |
Kapacitet kg (lb.) | 364 (800), čelični bubanj |
Veličina bubnja | Promjer 572, 210 litara (55g), visina 915.5mm |
Neto težina kg (lb.) | 50(110) |
Boja | plava |
Kotrljajući ležajevi kotača mm (u.) | 202(8) |
Okretni kotač mm (u.) | 100(4) |
Značajke kolica za bubanj:
For Koristi se za čelične bačve od 55 litara i plastične bubnjeve 210L.
Lock S ručkom za zaključavanje, bubanj se zaključava i lako izlije ili postavlja vodoravno ili okomito.
Can Kad je otključan, bubanj se može okretati kako bi se sadržaj miješao i ručno držao pod bilo kojim kutom.
Partly Isporučeno djelomično rastavljeno radi uštede troškova prijevoza.
♦ Jednostavno se pomiče i upravlja s kotačima s kotačićima i zakretnim kotačem.
, Jednostavna, ekonomična i pouzdana oprema za rukovanje bubnjem.
Usluga nakon prodaje:
Equipment Svaka oprema dolazi s uputama za ugradnju
War 1-godišnje ograničeno jamstvo (ne uključuje potrošni pribor / dijelove)
A Imamo profesionalan i savršen servisni tim.
. Podrška za rezervne dijelove
Q: What type of drums can this carry? plastic, steel, fiber?
A: This unit is designed for rimmed 55 gallon steel drums.
Q: In a horizontal position what is the highest spout height?
A: It is 18 inches.
Q: Can I rotate my drums with this drum carrier? Or can I use this drum carrier as a drum dispenser?
A: Yes, it allow you to rotate your drum 360 degrees, yet lock the tilt angle of a raised drum.
- Lock drum in vertical position to avoid spills
- Lock drum in horizontal position to pour
- When unlocked, the drum may be turned end-over-end to agitate contents or tipped and held manually at any angle.
Q: What is the packing when I get this drum carrier?
A: The shipping packing is 1pc to a carton and 5 cartons to a pallet. It is shipped partly unassembled to save freight cost, you need to install it according to the instruction.
- Confirm that the weight of the oil drum and its contents shall not be greater than the maximum rated load of the oil drum reversing hopper.
- Do not make the oil drum at the maximum lifting height when moving and holding the oil drum to turn over the hopper.(note: during this process, do not make the oil drum rotate or rise or fall at the same time.)Check whether the internal movable riser is falling, as long as the necessary clearance between the oil drum and the ground can be maintained.
- in the process of work, should not make the hands and feet in the oil barrel tipping car in front of the area or under the oil barrel.
- Do not use dump rotator on sloping ground with a gradient of more than 8 degrees.
- in the process of work, should make the hand or other objects do not close to the dump rotator tipping car lifting chain, hoop or mobile stand.
- Confirm whether the fasteners of the two chain positioner are fastened before lifting the oil drum reversing hopper.
- In the case that the inner movable riser and the outer fixed riser are not locked together, the oil drum should not be turned over and the hopper should be placed horizontally.
- Check the oil mark hole on the reducer to confirm that there is enough lubricating oil in the machine; Add a little light oil and butter to the rotating parts and oil nozzles to ensure safe and reliable movement of each part.
- Before using the oil drum to turn over the hopper, please check whether all the springs, pins, casters, lifting chains and their positioner are in good working condition. The hydraulic cylinder works normally without oil leakage. Warning: if parts are defective or in poor condition, please do not use this truck, as this will directly affect the performance of the oil drum tipping hopper.
- Lubricate caster and sprocket with butter through grease nozzle every month. The moving parts in the upside-down hopper are injected with light oil to ensure smooth operation. Warning: do not place the drum rotator in the rain or snow for a long time.
- If the oil barrel upside-down hopper is frequently used for a long time, it is suggested to replace all springs, hydraulic oil and sealing parts of the hydraulic cylinder once a year to ensure a long service life of the oil barrel upside-down hopper. If the belt wear, affect the operation, should be replaced in time.
Kolica za nagibanje bubnja Proizvođač:
Kao profesionalni proizvođač raznih vrsta rukovanja materijalima i dizanje proizvoda, Drum Tilter kolica je jedan od naših glavnih proizvoda. Osim toga, također možemo proizvesti razne vrste paletnih kamiona, viličara, dizalica, viličara, dizalica i tako dalje. Ako želite kupiti ručnu mobilnu stanicu za prevrtanje bubnja, možete nam poslati e-poštu s ove stranice za ponudu. A ako ste zainteresirani za naše druge proizvode, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila ili na druge načine koji su navedeni na stranici. Odgovorit ćemo vam u roku od 24 sata.
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